Want to further your studies? But, financing your fees is an issue?
Read below top Tips by ‘Rosebank College’:
- ENTER The Rosebank College #LiveTheDream competition – CLICK HERE TO ENTER
(Register with us & submit your ‘dream’ on campus. Winners get 1 year’s tuition paid in full & other great prizes.) - Register by 31 Oct 2015 & qualify to pay 2015 fees in 2016! This saves you money & guarantees your spot for 2016.
- Crowd funding Ever thought of asking strangers to help with financing your fees? Think of ways to do this & see what happens.
- Apply for an Eduloan offers students an array of student financial options to choose from. Explore these!
- Apply for a bank loan South Africa’s major banks offer student loans. These are designed for people looking to finance their studies.
- Get a job While you are studying or looking to study, look for job on campus or weekend jobs which can help you.
- Study for an IIE Programme offered through part-time or distance tuition. Studying full time can be costly, so be open to other options!
- Apply for a bursary Do your research & apply for bursaries that suit you. Follow
@StudentSpaza for available bursaries in 2016-2017.