Facebook-owned messaging app WhatsApp has today announce that, coinciding with WhatsApp’s 8th birthday on February 24, they will be reinventing the status feature.
WhatsApp will be rolling out an update to status, which allows you to share photos and videos with your friends and contacts on WhatsApp in an easy and secure way. Yes, even your status updates are end-to-end encrypted.
This new update will roll out on Android, Apple and Windows phones, and will be available from 24th February 2017.
How to create a WhatsApp status:
– Open WhatsApp and touch the ‘Status’ tab at the top of the screen
– Tap on the ‘My status’ icon, which has a green circle with a white + sign in it
– You will then be able to take a new photo, record a video or upload an existing file
– Once you’ve done this you can add your own drawings, as well as emojis and text
– Finally, tap the ‘Send’ button
Check out the video below to see how it works:
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