On Thursday, 28 May 2020 – the National Coronavirus Command Council briefed the media on the regulations relating to the COVID-19 Level 3 lockdown.
Presented by Cooperative Governance Minister Nkosazana Dlamini -Zuma, she announced the following regulations with effect from 01 June 2020:
- Sale of alcohol in licensed premises will be permitted, Mon-Thurs between 09:00am to 5:00pm. No on-site consumption will be allowed.
- E-commerce sales of alcohol will be permitted subject to the same onsite trade days and time.
- No sale of tobacco except when they are destined for the export market.
- Restaurants will remain open for food delivery services only.
- Movement will be permitted for people to go to work, get medicines, attend funerals, and students to go to school.
- Travel between provinces and districts for pupils, students, and teaching staff will be allowed.
- Exercising permitted between 06:00 am – 06:00 pm, not in groups.
- Public training, fitness, and recreational facilities remain closed (Minister of Sport, Arts, and Culture to elaborate).
- Inter-provincial travel for funerals will remain in place, only close relatives as defined in regulations are permitted to attend.
- Funeral attendance limit remains 50.
- The number of people in workplaces must be limited to minimize the risk of infection. The 1.5m distance must be observed.
- Any place open to the public where cultural, sporting, entertainment, recreational, exhibitional, organisational or similar activities may take place will remain closed.
- Gyms, fitness centres, sports grounds and fields, swimming pools expect for the training of professional athletes and professional non-contact sports matches.
- Bazaars, night clubs casinos, cinemas, theatres, fêtes will remain closed.
- Accommodation facilities (Hotels, Lodges, B&Bs, resorts, and Guest Houses) will remain closed unless these facilities are required for accommodation by persons in quarantine or isolation, persons for work purposes, the remaining tourists confined to such facilities.
- Beaches and public parks also remain closed.
- All gatherings are prohibited except a gathering at a faith-based institution (Church) limited to 50 people or less, depending on the size of the place of worship.
- Religious services can resume. However, people attending must be screened on arrival.
- Ports of entry remain closed, except for foreigners leaving the country, or those coming to attend school or work, for cargo and for repatriation of South Africans.
- No special or event liquor licenses will be issued during the level 3 period.
- No eviction of tenants except in certain conditions.
Continue reading at www.yomzansi.com.
In other related news: Grade 12 and Grade 7 learners to return to school on 1 June 2020.
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